All turned into ashes. It seems that everyone has find his or her best destiny, and Elijah, his whole life is for Klaus's redemption, and finally he got his peace with Klaus, I think. I have cried a lot of times, maybe it is not a real happy ending, but it is the best ending in my heart and has the best meaning, for the originals, for my youth.
影20249:巴比松森林里动物们美丽而且赤裸移动小轿舞台场景飘逸着怪诞的“香水”轮番上演着洛可可时代的《ig vs we》毒腐有犬儒的顺从有反kang有观望直到拿起刀刺向公爵以此解放王国的年轻人那一刻都很有思想后续弱化而情色末尾逐渐明亮的树林再隐喻
Top of my re-watching list!
跃跃欲试的揣测心动波浪卷发下的青春流动气息夏日海边潮湿空气中弥漫的荷尔蒙味道揉碎在低头细语间的艺术浪漫风韵与情欲浮动关于旅行中的人与法国的闲适慵懒海边的设定给ig vs we一种具象的缠绵情感在这里比春天更放肆了一如既往地温柔到底爱情与艺术间选择了艺术侯麦的爱情进行曲